Traditional Catholic Truths Event

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April 2024

✝️ Second Sunday After Easter

Sunday, 04/14/2024 - All Day
Traditional Catholic Church
"Traditional Catholic Church"
"There shall be one fold and one Shepherd."

Today the Traditional Catholic Church celebrates the mass of the second Sunday after Easter. This Sunday is often called the "Good Shepherd Sunday: the Gospel tells us of the Good Shepherd. Jesus "God" is indeed the Good Shepherd of our souls. He came to give His life for us. The picture of the Good Shepherd not shown here is very familiar to all the faithful Catholics. Our good examples and prayers must help to bring the "sheep going astray" back to Christ, that there may be "one Fold and one Shepherd in his Church"

Can't make it to Mass, or no Mass available?
Go to our downloads, and download Goffine's Devout Instructions on, Epistles and Gospels for Sundays, Holy days & Feast days for more info.